Back to wearing my life drawing hat, finally! Also back to one of my favourite venues - The Well Space.
I was very late to arrive, class was well underway when I finally sat down; had to race to get limbered up. Not many pieces overall. We did some transitional poses, which are fantastic practice, but not legible enough for putting up here. An interesting way to see learning through repetition over a very short timeframe. Drawing the same pose three times over and you really take on board the shapes and angles - even if the page looks like a dog's dinner!
Another stab at the watercolour; I think not even ten minutes of painting, very rushed. Might go back into it and finish off. Very much enjoying the rush of painting and moving colour over a page, completely different mindset, which is most welcomed.
Top marks to the new model, Neil; on a par with Rob, who I've considered to be the best at holding a pose. Maybe down to the yoga he does. More of Neil, I hope!